Remote access via API
Each user has his or her own API number. You can get SMS confirmation remotely with our API service.
API List
Categories List
Sample Output
[{"id":1, "name": "Google"},{"id":2, "name": "Discord"}]
Services Category
Sample Output
Note: You can find the category_id value from the categories list.
Service Price and Stock
Sample Output
Note: You can find the service_id value from the services list.
User Balance
Sample Output
{balance: 1}
Note: You must enter your own api key in the api_key section.
Creating Number Order
Sample Output
Record the number and number_id values in the output after the loop, they are needed to read the messages.
Note: You can find the service_id value from the services list.
You need to enter your own api key in the api_key section.
See Message
Sample Output
To inform:
If Status = 1: Message arrived, code is shown.
If Status = 0: Message is waiting.
If Status = -1: The number has been cancelled.
Note: You should pull the number_id value from the output you obtained during the number order.
You need to enter your own api key in the api_key section.
Canceling Number
Sample Output
{"success":true, "title":"", "message":""}
If the number you received is canceled within 10 minutes, the balance you paid will be refunded to you.
Note: You should pull the number_id value from the output you obtained during the number order.
You need to enter your own api key in the api_key section.